Villa Kali Ma Women's Recovery Centers

Villa Kali Ma Women's Recovery Centers
Villa Kali Ma Women's Recovery Centers
Villa Kali Ma Women's Recovery Centers
Villa Kali Ma Women's Recovery Centers
Villa Kali Ma Women's Recovery Centers
Villa Kali Ma Women's Recovery Centers
Villa Kali Ma Women's Recovery Centers
Gym: Yes
Free parking: Yes
Smoking rooms: Yes
Non-smoking rooms: Yes
Access to Nature: Yes
Age Range: Adults
Type of Care: Aftercare Services
Payment Options: Public Health Insurance
Pool: Yes
A/C Rooms: Yes
Insurance Accepted: Yes
Shared Room: Yes
Private Rooms: Yes
Allow Cell Phones: Yes
Free WiFi: Yes

About Villa Kali Ma Women’s Recovery Centers

Villa Kali Ma helps women heal from addiction, trauma, and co-occurring conditions with integrative and holistic recovery programs. They focus on healing each aspect of the mind, body, and spirit with sustainable recovery programs. Villa Kali Ma offers 2 treatment programs: Healing Trauma & Addiction and Healing Trauma & Co-Occurring Disorders. Villa Kali Ma provides treatment for women at all levels of care, including detox, residential treatment for trauma & substance use, residential treatment for trauma & co-occurring issues, partial hospitalization treatment for trauma, partial hospitalization for trauma & substance use, and all levels of out-patient treatment.

Comprehensive, Sustainable Recovery Program

Villa Kali Ma’s belief is that underlying all “diagnosed disorders” (addiction, depression, anxiety, attachment disorder, etc.) is pain. Emotional, mental and spiritual pain. They believe this pain is caused by memories of traumatic events, or by suppressed trauma residing deep in the subconscious mind. Villa Kali Ma’s treatment model takes women through a process of acknowledging, understanding, and then releasing this trauma. Their program introduces women to practices they can use to reduce fear and negative self-talk to instead encourage self-compassion, forgiveness, and discovery of their higher Self within. Villa Kali Ma is a “How to Live” program designed to create sustainable recovery and wholeness in all aspects of life: biologically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually.

Clinical And Spiritual Care

Villa Kali Ma provides individual and group therapy using dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), internal family systems therapy (IFS), and Somatic experiencing. Women meet 1:1 with their primary therapist twice a week, with additional 1:1 meetings for trauma therapy, including EMDR and Somatic therapies. Women meet with their case manager once a week to communicate personal needs and begin creating an aftercare plan. In total, women meet with an individual therapist 5-6 times a week. Their experiential therapies include yoga, acupuncture, massage, expressive arts, Shamanic healing/journeying, breathwork, Ayurvedic healing, nutrition coaching, naturopathic medicine, craniosacral therapy, and Reiki. Villa Kali Ma also teaches lifestyle improvements, sustainable living, and organic gardening.

Continued Treatment

Residential stay times can last between 30-90 days. Following residential care, clients can step down to PHP level of care and into the community housing offered by Villa Kali Ma. After PHP, clients can continue their treatment in the IOP and OP levels of care for up to one year. Villa Kali Ma offers weekly online alumni group sessions led by some of their primary therapists. They also provide in-person alumni events, meetings, and workshops throughout the year.



Treatment Services



What We Treat



Personal Amenities


Insurance Accepted
Security Metrics
Fix vulnerabilities
Systematic analyzing
Reduce recovery time



Location: Carlsbad, California



Sarah L.

Villa Kali Ma provided a supportive and nurturing environment that was crucial for my recovery. The staff’s dedication and the comprehensive treatment programs helped me rediscover my strength and confidence. I am forever grateful for the positive impact they had on my life.


My time at Villa Kali Ma was transformative. The personalized care and attention to my needs were unparalleled. The therapeutic activities and counseling sessions were invaluable. I left feeling empowered and ready to embrace a new, healthier life.

Jessica T.

Villa Kali Ma was a life-changing experience. The staff is incredibly supportive, and the holistic approach to recovery helped me heal both mentally and physically. The serene environment made me feel safe and nurtured. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking recovery

Mikel W. Carver

VMK prioritizes treating the whole person by not only focusing on the physical and spiritual aspects of health, but also putting a much-needed emphasis on stimulating the mind during recovery. It shows that VKM cares about providing a comprehensive approach to healing.

Christine Caria

My experience at VKM completely changed my life. I went in so wounded from an unspeakable trauma as an injured mass shooting survivor hooked on opiates as a result of numerous operations to breaking through my dissociation and being in my body. The safe environment, somatic healing practices and therapeutic approaches, along with the anti inflammatory diet completely changed my addicted painful body so I could be in it.


I came into VKM as a shell of a person. I had exhausted all other treatment options and knew it was time for me to get to work. I was received with love and compassion throughout my journey at the Villa and the residential treatment team made sure I was in a safe and supportive environment while working me through my trauma and addiction. I am forever grateful for the team at VKM & their dedication to women’s addiction and recovery through holistic healing.


I had the pleasure of living at this breathtaking facility, and what can I say, other than my stay here was the most beneficial and beautiful experiences I can imagine for a woman in recovery. My healing was of the utmost importance, and this program supported so many facets that I had so much at my disposal, it was incredible. First and foremost, I felt the utmost care, respect, and love from the owner, Kay who showed unwavering support for my recovery. I was blown away at the dedication to this program: a choice of support groups, health and nutrition, exercise and the importance of nature, spirituality, self-reflection, meditation & yoga, play and fun, self-care. We went on spiritual retreats, had weekend workshops, had access to weekly sound healing, and many classes with life coaches, breath workshops, aromatherapy, and so much more. If that wasn’t enough, we had organic food each and every night (and by the way, the food is AMAZING!). All and all, I can only share my love for this place. It gave me a fresh and positive outlook on my life, that was non-existent before my stay here. I can’t say enough about this place, except, if you need a safe place to feel supported, this is the place to be!

Mikel Carver

I have worked with Villa Kali Ma for over 4 years. It is very hard to find a Mental Health Treatment Facility that not only cares for the mind but also focuses on the spiritual being that we all are. Villa Kali Ma’s facilities are 2nd to none. They provide luxury experience along with the best therapeutic staff in the area. I can not recommend enough the care and comfort that you will experience with this facility! BEST OF THE BEST!!!

Jennifer York

Villa Kali Ma, a remarkable program, not only due to its latest and best, comprehensive, holistic, trauma informed treatments; it’s also because of the heart-felt staff of women who model the path of healing and wellbeing.


Villa Kali Ma is a beautiful program. Everyone cares who works there. The owner is the most thoughtful woman I know beside my mother and that speaks volumes. My case manager always worked with me till the day I left (even after has completed care for me) The RA’s have beautiful souls. The food is actually pretty good being all vegan I learned so much about my health. I tried knew things here. My therapist Janice is a one in a billion coming from someone who’s had a dozen therapists through out my life. Elyse helped me through one of the toughest exercises “Breathwork” and I broke through it with success. Thank you everyone for all you’ve done to help save my life. I value every single one of you.

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