Next Step Recovery
Adaptable Programs
Next Step Recovery operates a men’s-only intensive outpatient program (IOP) in Asheville, North Carolina, along with optional sober living and transitional housing arrangements. Catering to men aged 18-40, the program serves as a seamless transition for individuals who have completed residential treatment, recently exited recovery, or have a history of complex addiction issues. Importantly, programs are structured to accommodate work commitments. The IOP integrates group therapy, individual counseling, and 12-Step recovery, supplemented by adventure therapy such as hiking, rafting, martial arts, meditation, and yoga.
Dual-Diagnosis Support
Next Step Recovery prioritizes comprehensive care for both addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders, recognizing their interconnection. Their aim is to equip each client with tailored assistance, resources, and therapy to overcome the challenges posed by dual diagnosis and construct a fulfilling life.
Sober Living Choices
While not mandatory, Next Step offers sober living and transitional housing options. Residents decide whether they would benefit from such environments. These spaces provide a cozy, home-like setting with shared rooms accommodating one other resident.
Next Step Recovery holds accreditation from the Joint Commission and accepts most private insurance plans.
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