New Vision Recovery

New Vision Recovery
New Vision Recovery
New Vision Recovery
New Vision Recovery
New Vision Recovery
Recovery Coaching: Yes
Sober Living: Yes
Meditation & Mindfulness: Yes
Relapse Prevention Counseling: Yes
Twelve Step Facilitation: Yes

New Vision Recovery operates as a sober living facility situated in charming Nashville, Tennessee, offering men and women a supportive and secure environment to concentrate on their journey to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Residents actively engage in weekly meetings, including morning meditation sessions five days a week, community gatherings, 12-Step meetings, and a Recovery Dynamics group. These gatherings foster a sense of community vital for early recovery.

Residents initially enter Level 3, the most structured and supportive level, designed for individuals transitioning from residential treatment or early in their recovery journey. Staff and community support play a pivotal role as residents adjust to sober living in a real-world setting. Level 3 includes weekly recovery coaching, life skills counseling, and collaboration among staff, therapists, and family members. Residents are encouraged to attend 90 recovery meetings in 90 days, known as “90 in 90.”

After the initial 90 days, residents may apply for Level 2, offering increased autonomy and opportunities to seek support as needed. Residents have the flexibility to choose their monthly meeting attendance (with minimum requirements) and schedule bi-weekly recovery coaching sessions with their counselor. They can maintain daily routines involving work, volunteering, or schooling, with a suggested minimum commitment of 30 hours per week. Level 2 residents, known as “Senior Residents,” serve as role models for newer residents, aiding in their confidence-building and community integration.

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