Upper Room Recovery

Upper Room Recovery
Upper Room Recovery
Upper Room Recovery
Upper Room Recovery
Upper Room Recovery
Transitional Living: Yes
Introduction to the 12 Step Program: Yes
Life Skills: Yes
Spiritual Care: Yes
Twelve Step Facilitation: Yes

Set up to provide **safe and supportive homes**, Upper Room’s transitional living program helps folks dedicated to recovery. It guides men and women towards living **independently**, away from substance reliance. Upper Room values **inclusivity** by welcoming people of all races, disabilities, religions, and gender identities.

Admission Criteria for Upper Room

To be considered for admission to Upper Room, applicants must have maintained sobriety for a minimum of 30 days. They should have a clean criminal record, display a readiness for change, exhibit good interpersonal skills, and consent to regular drug and alcohol screenings. Residents are required to contribute $100 per week for accommodation in the gender-specific dorm-style housing. They will engage in regular meetings with a case manager to monitor their progress, partake in volunteer activities, attend AA/NA meetings, join house meetings, secure a 12-Step sponsor, and attend religious services as per their preference. Individuals who have not yet achieved sobriety can be referred by Upper Room staff to nearby facilities offering suitable levels of care. Residents are responsible for providing their own food, laundry essentials, and toiletries.

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