New Lyfe Solutions Sober Living Homes

New Lyfe Solutions Sober Living Homes
New Lyfe Solutions Sober Living Homes
New Lyfe Solutions Sober Living Homes
New Lyfe Solutions Sober Living Homes
New Lyfe Solutions Sober Living Homes
Sober Living: Yes

New Lyfe Solutions offers upscale yet affordable sober living options for men and women in early recovery, spread across the greater Las Vegas area. Situated in middle income and upscale neighborhoods, these gender-specific homes foster a supportive environment. With strong community connections, New Lyfe Solutions emphasizes mandatory random drug and alcohol testing, a minimum weekly attendance of 12-Step (or alternative) meetings, and adherence to midweek and weekend curfews. House rules prioritize clean living habits and a steadfast commitment to honesty, integrity, and sobriety.

WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'location' in 'where clause']
SELECT DISTINCT name FROM wp_terms t, wp_term_taxonomy tt WHERE t.term_id IN (location,address) AND t.term_id = tt.term_id AND tt.taxonomy = 'pa_property-feature';



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