Clean Recovery Centers Tampa

Clean Recovery Centers Tampa
Clean Recovery Centers Tampa
Clean Recovery Centers Tampa
Clean Recovery Centers Tampa
Clean Recovery Centers Tampa
Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment: Yes
Joint Commission Accredited: Yes
Master's Level Therapists: Yes
Trauma-Informed Care: Yes
Intensive Outpatient Program: Yes
Outpatient: Yes
Outpatient Therapy: Yes
1-on-1 Counseling: Yes
Acupuncture: Yes
Biofeedback: Yes

Clean Recovery Centers Tampa gives more than a few care tiers for addiction and intellectual fitness situations, such as detox, residential remedy, day/night treatment (DNT), extensive outpatient programs (IOP), and outpatient packages (OP). Their 3-phase care software focuses on comprehensive, client-centered, and proof-based healing possibilities.

Recovery from Dual Diagnoses

Clean Recovery Centers Tampa is dually certified to address dependancy and number one mental health conditions. They employ a blend of proof-primarily based and holistic treatments to treat co-happening addiction and intellectual health issues. Led by masters-stage therapists and psychiatric ARNPs (superior registered nurse practitioners), their 1:1 and institution treatments make use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and trauma-knowledgeable remedy for deep restoration.

3 Phases of Recovery

Clean Recovery Centers Tampa’s 3 phases of care include Preparation, Action, and Maintenance:

  • In the Preparation segment, clients go through medically supervised detox, if wished, and complete residential remedy with 24/7 supervision, day by day remedy, and peer support.
  • In the Action segment, customers exercise what they have found out, participating in day/night time remedy, residential take care of mental health worries, and partial hospitalization for intellectual fitness.
  • In the Maintenance segment, clients preserve sobriety via IOP, OP, transitional residing, and alumni support.

Primary Mental Health Treatment

Clean Recovery Centers offers intellectual health remedy at numerous stages of their Tampa area, incorporating 5 essential additives into every segment: trauma care, identity reconstruction, cognitive self-control strategies, personal boom strategies, and movement remedy. They use fast resolution therapy (RRT) for trauma and proof-based remedies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for grief and notion distortions.

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What we treat








Who we treat


Insurance Accepted

One of the largest health insurance companies in the US, offering several health insurance options to individuals and businesses.
BlueCross BlueShield
A leading healthcare provider serving over 100 million Americans as one of the largest insurance companies in the country.
Carelon Behavioral Health
Carelon Behavioral Health, formerly Beacon Health Options, is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts and serves over 40 million people.
Cigna's unique history traces back to 1792, but today they offer services to 190 million customers in 30 different countries across the globe.
With roots in the health field dating back to 1961, Humana is a trusted insurance provider that proudly serves over 20 million Americans.
Magellan Health
Molina Healthcare
Serving over 5.1 million members across the country with a range of health insurance options for individuals from all walks of life.
Part of UnitedHealth Group, providing care to over 165,000 people worldwide.
Providing health care programs that reinforce, maintain, and sustain good health for uniformed service members, retirees, and their families globally.


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