Healthy Minds Counseling

Healthy Minds Counseling
Healthy Minds Counseling
Healthy Minds Counseling
Healthy Minds Counseling
Healthy Minds Counseling
Licensed Primary Mental Health: Yes
Private Therapy: Yes
1-on-1 Counseling: Yes
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Yes
Couples Counseling: Yes
Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Yes
Eye Movement Therapy (EMDR): Yes
Family Therapy: Yes
Group Therapy: Yes
Life Skills: Yes

This counseling clinic gives powerful mental health counseling and psychiatry services. They foster a nurturing, supportive environment for individuals looking for better intellectual health, more suitable nicely-being, and improved quality of life. They offer therapy for individuals, couples, and households, at the side of institution sessions, workshops, and yoga lessons for the duration of the 12 months. Their expertise covers diverse mental fitness situations, inclusive of PTSD, trauma-associated disorders, anger control, anxiety, attachment problems, melancholy, bipolar disease, OCD, and extra. Founded by means of a woman veteran, the sanatorium’s undertaking is to empower individuals to triumph over lifestyles’s challenges.

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