Athena Passages

Athena Passages
Athena Passages
Athena Passages
Athena Passages
Athena Passages
Holistic Approach: Yes
On-site Medical Detox: Yes
Therapeutic Location: Yes
Unique Cultural Experiences: Yes
Day Treatment: Yes
Detox: Yes
Intensive Outpatient Program: Yes
Outpatient: Yes
Outpatient Therapy: Yes
Residential: Yes

Athena offers customized treatment plans and superior care for lasting restoration, which include their unique in depth outpatient program, Athena Intensive, and ambulatory detoxification and home programs furnished via Athena Passages at low-priced prices.

Dedicated, Compassionate Staff

The team at Athena Passages treats clients with compassion and knowledge during their journey, ensuring their safety and comfort. With onsite medical care and housekeeping, all three highly-priced properties—The Apollo, The Hermes, and The Pegasus—provide a nurturing environment.

Multiple Luxury Facilities

Clients have the option to live at one of Athena Passages’ 3 most desirable places, each featuring non-public bedrooms, wifi, workspaces, absolutely-prepared kitchens, cushty furnishings, and get entry to to swimming pools and saunas. Transportation to remedy and recreational activities, as well as an onsite nursing station, beautify the healing experience.

Comprehensive Holistic Services

In addition to picturesque surroundings and immersion in Greek way of life, clients gain from massage remedy, acupuncture, nutrition counseling, gourmet meals, and get admission to to medical professionals. Private rooms are equipped with workspaces, enjoyment systems, and Bluetooth, while Athena Passages also offers assistance in money management skills.

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